Unleash Your Inner Manga

Following as I do the technorati I've got the inside line on the next internet meme and it's FaceYourManga.

Very similar to the South Park or Simpsons creators of yore. Or think Mii on your Wii.

You get a plethora of options to design your avatar and background and even add text to your clothing (which is one letter short for grantalias).

For 1,50€ you can even buy your avatar in a "digital file" to brand your site. It would be nice though to know what the resolution was before buying. Of course I think the majority of people will be very happy with the low resolution copy they get.

A great little service for people who were not lucky enough to get a personalized animated version of themselves.

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10 thoughts on “Unleash Your Inner Manga”

  1. I believe so. Of course there are very few photos of me for you to check since I'm usually behind the camera. 😉 But now that the rest of me has fallen apart, they are my best feature. 😉

  2. i think most of the pics i've seen of you are far away. or of your wedding so they're far away and/or that sepia or b&w… impossible to tell eye color under those circumstances. hehe.

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