Tag Archives: tolerance

The True North Strong and Free, But Tolerant?

Sometimes being a minority (anglo) inside a minority (Quebec) brings new meaning to being on the outside.

I think it's a feeling that Anglo Saxon westerns (or any other majority for that matter) very rarely have to deal with, maybe they should. It might make them more respectful.

If you're anglo living in Quebec, you've seen it. Signs with the english covered over or scratched out (like the sign at the entrance to LaRonde last weekend). Stop signs where "stop" has been removed or replaced with 101.

The best example I've ever seen was the side of a Metro spray painted with "ENGLISH GO HOME, FLQ". A little disapointing to say the least that anyone would admire a terroirst organization.

While I know that these acts of vandalism are perpetrated by a very small and vocal number, sometimes it just bums me out thinking that my kids are going to have to put up with this kind of soft discrimination or move to Ontario.

It's really going to suck when they get old enough to notice this stuff and ask why would someone do that.

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